Friday, March 31, 2006

Two weeks away from the classroom and possibly more?

The falculty rejected the final offer presented to them by the administration. So they are still on strike, the administration is probably feeling burned, and I still don't have school. I'm kinda getting annoyed now.

I will leave you today. . .or atleast untill I get my inspiration for another post . . .with this rhyme

I suppose, that when I touch my toes
My bum is higher then my nose

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Get off the road!

So I was entering the university and almost ran over a professor on strike. Scared my half to death. What he was doing standing in the middle of the road. . .I have know idea.
And my trip to the university was completely pointless as no one showed up to the lab anyway. So I talked to Linda Smith who had an office nearby and then went shopping.
Oh and I missed 24 last night as I had to work. I was very disapointed because I've heard it was a great episode. I had Dad tape it, but for some reason that didn't turn out. If anyone does have it taped, I would love to borrow it from you.

So I will leave you with some of my favorite pictures from last friday night at the Chapel (pictures provided by Noel and Matt)

Misty hiding behind tree

Come out, comeout wherever you are! Cause I'd rather not come find you. (Don't know what the white mark is on my sholder)

We also took some time to sing. Reminded me of camp.
Hanging out with my homies.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

1-one thousand, 2 one-thousand, 3- one thousand. . .

So guess what I did today.

I taught 7 eleven year olds how to babysit! Yay! It was actually kinda fun and now I'm a few dollars richer.

I taught it at the Superstore and when we got there this morning, there had been a power outage. So we had to wait for it to go back on before we were alowed in the store. Why they didn't have a generator for such a large store, I have no idea. You think that they would. I guess most of University Ave. was out too.

Anything else. . .well for the past four days. . .i guess five days if you count the weekend. .. I've had no school. The professors are on strike. I just looked on the website and there are still no meetings going on between the parties invovled, so next week doesn't look that promising either. Which is good for me, cause I still haven't started my papers and I don't have a summer job lined up yet. As long as I don't lose my semester, I'm fine.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

College and Career Video

Alright guys. Heres C&C video number two. Music provided by Daniel Bedingfield, who's album Gotta Get Through This is what I happen to be listening to right now.

Also, there is a title that for some unknown reason is hard to see.(The thing at the bery begining that looks like a green bar placed randomly in the film.) It just says College and Career and the date for those of you who would like to know.

So yeah. . .enjoy.

Post for those who want to, but haven't seen my hair.

Since announcing the chopping off of a good few inches of my hair, I have recieved some requests for a picture.

This is the best I can do for now.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Last post of the night. I promise.

I was at the Agnew's tonight and was shown this. I thought I'd share it. Made me laugh anyway.

Baby Got Bible
Watch it now on StupidVideos!

Been fooling around with Windows Movie Maker.

I need to get some actual stuff on my camera so that I can make another video. Oh well. This is what I did today instead of my term papers.

Some storm we got.

Woke up this morning to find out that the schools had all been closed because of this huge storm that was supposed to happen. Well. . . .its actually kind a nice out. No sun, but a bit mild.

I took the bus yesterday for the first time! That was interesting. It was pretty quick ride too and a little bit scary. I was convinced at some moments that the bus driver was going to kill us all. He didn't of course, but at times I wondered.

Well, I need to study. I hoping for a 80 on my psych test to counter my 60s.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

My head is about 12' of hair lighter

I did it. I donated my hair again. Last time I did was the start of my sixteenth summer. This time round (almost two years later) though, I didn't have hair down to my waist, therefore to get the right amount, my hair is drastically shorter. It used to be at my elbow and now its at my jaw and really light. I'm donating it to Locks of Love.
Locks of Love is an organization that makes prosthestics for children with long term hair loss.
This is there web site if anyone wishes to learn more.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Post in which Sarah Trys to Waste More Time Before She Starts Her History Assingment

Procrastinater is my middle name (I decided this 5 minutes ago). When you look up the word procrastinate in the dictionary, you will see my face under the definition. Don't believe me? See for yourself. . .

v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates
v. intr.
To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.

v. tr.
To postpone or delay needlessly.


See my picture? Right there under the defenition.

Well, anyways, today has been good. Only one class, so I was able to get a lot done. I did laundry, vaccumed, did dishes, etc. After class I visited Judy (Joseph and Noel's Mom) and had a good chat with her over some tea and s-biscuits (biscuits in the shape of an s).

Lets see. . .what else. . .um. . .alright. . .time to take initiative (another great word) and do some school work. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Things are looking up!

Because of some rumours I had heard, i decided to drop of my resume at the Maritime Chritian Book Store. I went back today to speak with the manager (make sure she had got it and such) and it seemed promising. She said she would for sure get back to me. I think it would be great working there as it would be a Christian atmosphere. It would be nice if something comes out of it.

By the way. 24 was great on monday. . .that's all I'll say incase Matt C reads this and I ruin it for him.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

For those who like to know what goes on in the life of the bookworm (a.k.a Sarah), here is a synopsis of my weekend. On Friday I went to the Chapel's youth group. I very much enjoy going there actually. Its easy to get confortable with the same people all the time and never leave your own circle. I love the people at the Chapel Y.G. and hope that they don't mind having a Baptist in their midst.
On Saturday I cleaned, napped and then went out with three couples. It was fun and a good lesson on what its like to be single in a group with a lot of couples. I'm sure I'll have many other experiences of this nature in the future whenever other single people are away. What did we do? We went skating on a outdoor rink. The ice wasn't bumpy either (which it usually is when the rink is outdoors). I don't think I've fallen so much though. I had bruises from Y.G. the night before and last night added to my already colorful legs.
I got to sit up in the morning service for the first time in a while today! I liked that. I love gophers, but breaks are good too.

Well. . .that is all. . .

The bookworm is signing off. Over and out.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

So when somebody has B.O., the "O" usually stays with the "B". Once the "B" leaves, the "O" goes with it.

Ha ha Seinfeld. . .funny show. . .

So now that I'm finished with this random post. . .back to psychology homework.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Will you be using your HBC credit card today?

Guess what! I get to go back to work again. Boooooooo. . . . I was so enjoying not having to work at Zellers for the past month (because they had no work for me). Just don't like it there at all.
I dropped off my resume at a few places for something else, but I'm not looking too hard. I would like something different for this summer though. I'll guess I'll start looking more towards the end of next month. For now I'm alright with Smellers. . .for now.
I did get in contact with someone about the Confederation players (you know, the people that dress up as John A. MacDonald and company) and they asked for my resume. It would be awesome if something came out of that. I did it for an afternoon when I was in grade six (some promotional thingy, I'm not really sure what it was all about) and had a ball, except that I was too tiny for their dresses and we spent 45 minutes hemming a dress drastically so that I wouldn't trip.
So my job situation is something the readers of this blog can pray for me about.